Global Community Bio Fellows - MIT
Selection for being part of the program as fellow. Ana will give the workshop "Biomaterials ans biorobots", and she will exhibit together with Demian Ferrari, the artwork "Invisible Cartographies". More info: en https://www.biosummit.org/

UNTREF University (ARG), UNAM University (ARG) and Ecole Européene Supérieure de l´image (FR),
The selected project and research to be developed is "Bio-interactivity and territory: production laboratories for environmental studies through art, science and technology, applied to Video Games".

CAPES Fellowship - Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Selection for being part of the program of the UFRJ University to research,colaborate and teach in NANO - Nucleo de Arte e Novos Organismos (http://www.nano.eba.ufrj.br/)

MENTION - Fondo Nacional de las Artes Art and technology contest
The artwork Invisible Cartographies, made together with Demian Ferrari in the 5th Biennial Land Art Mongolia 2018, got a honorific mention in the FNA contest. The project was exhibit at CCK, Buenos Aires.

The art project Evolution of a departure will be exhibited in the Print Screen Festival. This edition will focus on the connection between biology, art and digital technology under the title: "Animal, Vegetable, Mineral".
The festival will expose artists that are engaging with interactive technologies and virtual reality, alongside artists who utilize groundbreaking scientific practices and themes of gene-engineering, collective behavior, biohacking, robotics and artificial life, and whose artworks challenge the limitations of the physical body, expose us to animal and plant life in new and innovative ways and raise questions on ecology, artificial intelligence, humanism/post-humanism, and non-human subjectivity. The festival is a bridge between science, arts, and world cultures, which will help us address the contemporary human condition and the definition of the ‘natural’ in a world whose old categorizations begin to lose relevancy. http://www.printscreenfestival.com/alien-minds

Print Screen Festival
Holon Cinematheque - Holon, ISRAEL
Friday | 23.6 | The Egg
Bioart \ 14:00 - 15:15
Our condensed and intensive artists led event is intended to ignite discussions, idea exchanges and future collaboration between artists, designers, and technologists. Short talks and performances will be accompanied by many mingling opportunities. Come experience a flood of creativity and soak up inspiration. http://www.printscreenfestival.com/up-close-17